The Gamification Report Blog

The Reiss Motivation Profile and Gamification adult learning behavioral science motivation narrative Jun 12, 2018

Think of how much you played as a child. You exerted a tremendous amount of energy, and spent as much time as possible, playing games. Why such a commitment? Because it was fun!

Ultimately, we were motivated by "fun," though we differ in our definitions of fun. Our brains have receptors for...

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The Pitfalls of Motivational Interviews behavioral science business objectives corporate training motivation Feb 08, 2018

Beginning Warning

What motivates your learner? The answer is more complex and complicated than you may think, certainly more complex and more complicated than popular business books would lead you to believe. 

When it comes to assessing the motivational profile of learners, the first and...

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A Quick Look and the Long History of Learning adult learning behavioral science instructional design Dec 29, 2017

Roughly 10,000 years ago, humans created formalized language. Before then, they certainly communicated, but with grunts and gestures. With language, people could share important concepts with each other, warn about dangers, entertain, and preserve the tribe’s history by telling stories to...

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Onboarding: A Reflection adult learning behavioral science business objectives corporate training instructional design Apr 24, 2017

In his seminal work describing flow, Mihály Csíkszentmihályi discusses the frustration we feel when a challenge is more difficult than our abilities, or how boring a task will be if our skills surpass the challenge. Flow, he says, comes at the balance between challenge and...

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What Uber Can Teach Us About Engagement adult learning behavioral science gamification motivation Apr 03, 2017

What Uber Can Teach Us About Engagement

by Jonathan Peters, PhD


In an effort to continue the piling-on of Uber Technologies, The New York Times published an article that is critical of Uber’s use of “psychological tricks” to “manipulate” people to drive at...

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